Saturday, October 13, 2007

Doug Wellens-Reverse Funnel System-Take Off To Success!

Doug Wellens name is synonymous with the "Take Off To Success" calls. What exactly are they? Another incredible benefit to members of the Inner Circle using the Reverse Funnel System.

The call was the brainchild of Doug Wellens. It provides a daily dose of motivation, incredible information from 6 and 7 income figure earners on how THEY grow their businesses, and when it's done you can CONQUER the WORLD!! When it started it had maybe 50 callers, now it provides incredible, power packed motivational and training tips to over 500 international callers, and it's STILL GROWING! You know it has got to be good if it can draw a crowd like that.

It is a shame that it is only for Inner Circle members, the world could benefit from that kind of coming together. The positive enthusiasm is something you would have to be there for to believe. If you are already using the Reverse Funnel System and haven't attended one be sure to find out more about it-you will be awed. If you aren't using the System yet, maybe you should be. The success rate is truly phenomenal. Doug's team is growing by leaps and bounds, so if you've been on the fence, now is the time to jump. It's important to find the RIGHT team for you, one you can count on to help you succeed. If Doug can inspire that many people at a time, imagine what he can do for his own team.

The Reverse Funnel System is changing the face of Network Marketing-single handedly. Don't be left behind, at least find out what it's about. We do get HYPE overload, and sometimes it is easy to overlook something that is REAL, or even to tell when it's REAL. I am still working on my review, but I find it works and will report more next time!