Saturday, September 29, 2007


I promised a review of this program, but lets talk a little about the current trends of online businesses. I KNOW you have seen the web sites about "Returning Calls" and reaping thousands of dollars by doing so. It sounds easy doesn't it?? But did you know "Retuning Calls" really means calling leads lists? Cold calls are what we used to call it, now it is "Returning Calls'. If you REALLLLLLYYYYYY stretch it, I guess you could say "I am returning a call based on your request for information..... " But let's be HONEST here. Not EVERYONE can really do cold calling, or maybe I should say WANTS to do cold calling.

Even the good MLM programs out there (most of which are health related) require working the phone (and buying product...yuck!). That thought makes me shutter, I don't know about you but I HATE cold calls of any kind! Even if you are calling a lead from your own lead generation page, it is a slow process to find out abut them, and nurture them along to get them into your opportunity.

When Doug said he had retired from prospecting as we Internet marketers know of it, I was truly game to find out just what the Inner Circle really knows, and what the Reverse Funnel System really is. Stay tuned, I'll be helping you find out too.

Do Well, Live Well...Follow the path of Success!!

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